Friday, August 19, 2011

Update Meow

*out of breath* OK, hey, sorry I'm late. I know, I know, you've been waiting wondering where my update was. I'm sorry, I've been pretty busy since football started for Josh. Been a whirlwind couple of weeks. Oh hey, hold up, one of my favorite songs is on, "Old Hippie":

"...and they forced him to become a man while he was still a boy, and behind each wave of tragedy, he waited for the joy. Now this world may change around him, but he just can't change no more..." What an awesome song. Seriously. Oh yeah, ask me if I care if you think I'm a dork. I dont. In fact, I'm going to climb into Big Green today and head down and change the oil in her. It's about time I give back. Heck I may even spring for a recharge on her AC. Now that summer is almost over. She needs tie-rod ends replaced. I've sorta limped her along this year. I've been bad I know. I love her so much I should really do a lot better job of taking care of her. Just other things needed more attention than I had to give. Yeah, I'm still talking about a truck, what of it???

Anyhow, so what else? Really things are going pretty smoothly. Went to the lot for a couple of days last weekend and hung the kids' swingset up. My father in law welded it out of a beam and some 2" steel and angle iron. It's pretty stout I tell you. Stacey may or may not load some pictures of it. My dad was helping me and we mounted it using bolts through the 4x4 post. However once we set the concrete on the legs it looks all cock-eyed. No bueno. So, next time I'm up there I'm going to lift the one end and reset it. Not that anyone cares, but there's already enough white-trash stuff going on around us up there so we're trying to class the place up a bit. You know, by adding a lot of mini-mexicans.

What else...yeah, pretty uneventful around these parts. I guess I could tell you I've started winning racquetball games every now and again. I did however get it handed to me last night by the next door neighbor. It's bad too, 'cause he's a sleeper agent apparently. I guess in racquetball you cant judge a player by his tan-line...or...something like that. In fact, good point there, but have you ever noticed, that the best racquetball players have some of the worst fashion sense ever? Sweatbands, wristbands, geekstrap glasses, uni-glove...and missmatched ensembles. In fact, the dorkier the dude looks, the more you should watch out. He's got a lot of built-up Dungeons and Dragons anger that needs to come out. One way or the other.

*sigh*...I guess I better let you go. I just thought I'd just let you know I was thinking about you. Thought maybe you'd wonder what I was up to like I wonder about you guys. OK, I better wrap this up before it gets sappy. I'm shutting down "The" Facebook too today. I can't be caught up in her tangles and webs. I've got a lot going and I better get to it before the sun gets to it's zenith.

Till then, listen to the radio. I gotta roll out now. Be good and color inside the lines. See ya round.



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