Thursday, March 1, 2012

Economic Concerns...

Hey long time no see. Wow, been busy of late I tell ya. Just freakin' swamped with all the goings-on. Olivia and Sam have been tag-teaming us as a couple the past two months or so and we're starting to wear. Lately in fact, usually around 3 am, Olivia cries out and does her best to wake up the whole house. So we've just relented and ended up with her in our bed from 3 onward. Then about five, Sam wakes up and wants another bottle and we start the whole thing over again.

I started that new job with the brigade I told you about. It's a pretty good gig. The people I work with are really nice. Not to mention incredibly bright and good at what they do. There are a lot of prima-dona's in the mix so it becomes difficult sometimes to get those above me to put the hammer down on items that are of real import. I get it, it's a cultural shift from the Engineers and what I'm used to. This is more corporate mindset, but it can be difficult to get stuff done in a military manner when you dont have that all important backing of your superiors. It's more of a, "Love Them Better" mentality. Sort of like church leadership I guess. We'll just hint around until they feel like complying. We wouldnt want to hurt anyone's feelings or make them feel small.

So what else? Well, I'm still plugging away at the piano. In fact, I'm getting quite good at my primary songs. "I love to see the temple" and, "Popcorn Popping" are well within my purvue. "Book of Mormon Stories" however continues to plague me. But I'm going to get it sooner or later. It's tough to get time to practice. As soon as I walk in the door, there's another requirement. (Preaching to the choir I'm sure here). So, a typical week goes like this: Monday, up at 4:45, off to work, P.T. by 530, start work at 700, work till five, home at five, listen to someone pound on the piano while I stir the __________ on the stove, yell at Josh, separate Olivia and her dirty diaper, pick up Sam, feed Sam, hand Sam to Lexi, Stacey heads to the gym, I'm in charge, she returns at 9:30, rinse, lather, repeat as desired; Tuesday, just like Monday; Wednesday, add in Scouts from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, come home, attempt to practice piano, end up cleaning up the dishes, yell at Josh, separate Josh and ______________, fight with Olivia....; Thursday, similar, but Stacey has piano lessons when I get home. Stir_______ on the stove, yell at Josh, change Olivia, Yell at Lexi, Tell Hallee to go home, eat...send Stacey to the gym so she gets time alone. Friday I sleep late (7:00) wake up, head to the gym (selfishly I might add) come home, let Stacey head to the gym, look at the piano (dont play it), clean up the garage/basement/kid' rooms, etc. (do the dishes again), feed Sam, wait for Stacey to get ready, go run errands from 1:00 to 4:00, date night at 6:00, Saturday/Sunday are 1:4 drills.

So, you get the picture, it's busy at Casa de Kenworthy. But somewhere therein, we've been very blessed. I told you I was going to put the septic and water in at the lot this year. Yeah....about dice. It turns out the water share we were going to purchase ....ahem...dried up.
So, the next a...I think I told you this already. Anyhow, so we didnt get the water. Instead we decided ...actually, I demanded, let's be honest, that we pay off the kids' braces (x3), Stacey's eye surgery, our credit card, (pay some tithing in there somewhere) and pay for our Teasdale trip. Ironically, we ended up at the end of day, 300.00 ahead. So, I guess I can't gripe too much, but I really had my heart set on getting some improvements done on the lot.

Well, this is a good opportunity to segue here. See, I've heard a lot of talk lately about the direction our nation is headed. I'll be honest, I'm sscared shit-less that we'll be dumb enough to vote that stupid sonofabitch back into office in November. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. But, I'm more concerned, that we'll vote the same members of Congress back in as well. See, people dont really like to rock the boat in a recession. I'm really nervous. See, I was going to buy a new diesel pickup. Maybe not NEW but NEW-ER. But I just dont know which way we're headed. There's crap going down in Iran that we're not paying attention to, there's Syria, there's North Korea, the un-finished business in Afghanistan, and there's the current (lack-of) foreign policy and market uncertainty due to idiot government requirements continually levied. Anyhow, so I'm not really down with getting my family even further into debt at this juncture.

So, we've looked at moving. Part for a new start for our family, and part to take advantage of the lower home prices and interest rates. But something tells me to stay put. It's the damndest thing, because it goes against everything we personally want to do. We're in a very good position on our home, and it would be a welcome move as I say. We have just one car payment (a small lease) and no other outstanding bills. I would LIKE to buy a new truck, but there's nothing pressing me at this time. I WANT to take a loan against my 401K to put our water/sewer/power in, but the Spirit says, "negatory". So, we're just cutting figure eights here waiting for our chance at the dock I guess. I dont like waiting around either. Makes me feel like a target. But, the Lord says "stand-fast on all major under-takings", so we'll stand fast.

So, I guess where all this leads, is that I believe he's telling us this for a reason. I truly, with everything I know, believe we're headed for a sever economic down-turn. I am incredibly worried for my neighbors who have put themselves into a situation where they have little to now wiggle room. I'm worried that people have no food storage. I'm worried they're too far into debt, I'm worried that they dont really realize how close we are to a severe downturn and mass unemployment. Gas prices are edging up, and they're just not prepared. So, I guess, I'm saying at this point, if you're in a good position, STAY there. There's a reason you've been prompted to handle your business the way you have done. If you're looking over the fence at the Jones', and wondering how they continue to get over on minimal education, and effort, they aren't. They're about to experience some real ass-pain. I'm telling you. Aint no such thing as a short cut in life. You reap what you sew.

So, if you're feeling bad that you are doing everything you have been told to do, DONT. It's comin' around. I feel it. This is gonna get ugly. DONT put your family in a position to be swept away by the coming economic currents. Stacey and I have put away a small nest-egg thus far. We continue to contribute to our kids' college savings. We save 10% of our income and yes, we pay tithing. We've been incredibly blessed as a result. We are not suffering near the fear that some are, whom are riding the knife's edge and are about to get cut. Anyhow, keep doing the right thing, nobody is getting over on you. They'll get there's, just dont follow them in order to try and keep up appearances. Behind closed doors, they're maxed-out emotionally and have zero peace of mind.

Well hey listen, I gotta run. I didnt mean to get preachy on you. I just care about you. If you're reading this, it means we've established some sort of connection/friendship along the way, and I want the best for you.

So, yeah, anyhow...I gotta get engaged and get this milk in the fridge and the rest of this stuff Stacey just walked in before piano lessons start.

All the best kids,