Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Post Game Wrap-Up

OK kids. So here we are. Back in the good ol' U.S. of A. I've been home pertaint-near a week from Japan. Betwixt Japan and today there was a Superbowl, a drill, a few regular work days and now, thankfully, a weekend is nearing.

You know I've got a lot to do. Tomorrow I'm taking Stacey up to my dad's cabin. I think we'll have to snowshoe in. I gotta be honest. I friggin' hate the snow and cold, but I'm willing to do it in order to just get away. Someone's mom and dad (hers or mine not sure) are going to watch the kids overnight tomorrow and give us a breather from their incessant..."kidding". Olivia has been a complete pill while I was gone nearly three weeks and to my understanding has been up two or three times a night. Probably growing and teething if I had to guess.

What else? Oh, well work has been insane. I had a day and a half off between the three weeks of Japan and the weekend drill (over Superbowl Weekend) and then ramped right into three days of work. I finally had enough today and dropped a leave slip for tomorrow. To be honest, there are just a few things/people at work I just dont want to deal with.

What else? Oh, I started back to the gym at work again this week. It was tough to get a good workout in while at Camp Kengun, as the Japanese apparently just run around in circles for exercise instead of throw any weights around ever. Which probably explains why the majority of their Soldiers are about 150 lb at best. So, there was ONE tent about 30' x 15' with a few elipticals one set of dumbells and some situp planks. This was all for a camp of 500 visiting U.S. Soldiers. So, suffice it to say, if you wanted to get any gym time, you had to get up at 0430 to get it done before some jag-azz brought their, "P90ish X" tape in and took up 1/3 of the floor space spreading their wings and all. So, I would say I really only got in maybe five good workouts, and seven piss-poor ones. Good news is yesterday I was able to put up the 70lb dumbells doing flys on the bench, a feat which has eluded me since I was about 17. So, at the current rate of improvement, I should be in peak physical performance, at our around 50. Give or take a decade. Babysteps.

OK, other boring stuff...hmm..oh yeah, Green Bay triumphed over the Steelers. We had some in-laws as well as out-laws over to the house on Sunday after drill. I even made a cameo appearance in uniform to the last 38 minutes of church. I'm pretty sure most people in the ward have no idea who I am anymore, and I rather prefer it that way. Pretty soon I imagine they'll be trying to set Stacey and her kids up with that weird dude that lives with his 80 year old father. Wait, he moved out, so I'm sure there's someone else waiting in the wings for me to come to close to a buried 155 round next go-round in the sandbox. I imagine that's true, because Stacey is somewhat of a catch. She's like, Martha Stewart crossed with Sarah Palin just a skosh of Rene Russo. Lord knows why she ever linked up with a dirty old tramp such as myself. But I digress.

So, anyhow, I'm back. You can again lock up your daughters and warn your wives. I'll be in the area for the foreseable future. You may see me at a local Armory or even a church near you. I'd bet on Armory though if it were my dollar.

Well I hope you didnt read all this way, just to find out the real truth is that this will probably be the most anti-climatic ending yet. Sorry I have nothing for you if you were looking for a cathartic ending. Bottom line way back, it's working ya'll. We're getting this done, making memories, and having a good time doing it. I'm happy, I'm stable and I'm Back in Black.

So, I hope to see you around some place. If you recognize me and I dont know who you are, bear with me. I have the attention span of a goldfish and the memory of a..of a...of....

OK meow, I have to go now, ya'll color inside the lines and dont miss me too much while I'm gone.

Hugs and kisses in appropriate places requisite with your status, calling and relativity. Bye for now,


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