Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stuff n' Other Things

So here we are, at the very cusp of Spring.  Not a moment too soon either if you ask me.  Not that you did of course.  I'm ready I tell ya.  I'm so sick of being locked up in the house.  I'm ready to get out. Heck, I'd even work on the flower beds, or better, pull down the Christmas lights before April if possible.  I'm ready to clean the garage out too.  I pulled down a couple of my boxes to get sleeping bags out for Josh and another scout. Son of a gun too, because I dropped by giant black job box on the garage floor off the upper shelf and broke it because it was so cold.  Fatal flaw in the design it seems.  With this weather, I still haven't had an opportunity to wash the little car either.  I've simply not had a day off, or a moment to drive it through a wash cycle that I didn't know there were three days of forecasted inclement to dampen my resolve.
I miss the truck too.  I guess that's a good segue as any.  Josh has said as much.  We put in for points only this year for my hunts and in questioning Josh about his hunting desires he point-blank asked me how we were even going to go hunting without a truck.  I've told myself we're going to pay a couple things off first then we'll delve into the mystical world of Crew Cabs and Extra Duties (he said, "duty") and see what we come up with.  Stacey's lease is up at that point so we either go Suburban Soccer Mom, or we swap out her car with another Honda product and get a truck.  1st World problems right???  Yeah, well anyhow, you probably know I met with the septic tank contractor a couple weeks ago.  He's supposed to dig a couple of test holes this week and let me in on the total cost of placing it.  I told him to throw a tank in there that was rated for a 3 bedroom, two bath house/cabin, in the event we ever get there.  Anyhow, we met up there the other day (me driving my Pansy Mobile of course) and I showed him where I'd planned a cabin some day, and where I needed a cleanout or two for trailers in the interim.  He knows where the water line is, because he put it there, so I think we're good to go.  I'm going to call him today or tomorrow and see if we're any closer.
Anyhow, so there's that outlay of cash, and then we're paying off our waterline from last year and that brings our discretionary funds back to zero again.  We're cash people as I may have said before, and anytime we ever finance anything we just do one thing at a time.  That's where the truck vice suburban discussion has to take place. We'll war-game that a little until we come to a decision.  My plan is to just do some small capital improvements around the lot this year.  Next year's discretionary has already been earmarked for new carpet and furniture/paint, so we'll have to remain status-quo for the remainder of 2013. 
Wow, 2013 huh? How time flies.  I've got so much travel stacked up this year that I've just accepted we're on cruise-control until December again.  Lexi goes in for her surgery in a couple weeks.  In fact, the week after I get back from Fort Sill, OK she'll be in a wheel chair.  Yeah, they're breaking her femur and twisting it 22 degrees and putting a giant rod and pin set in.  Then when it's healed, they'll pull the rod back out a few months later.  In the interim, they'll leave a little metal set on the inside of her grown-plates at the knees to help her natural growth straighten everything back out.  She's getting a little nervous I think, but she's putting on a brave face. So, she'll be in a wheel chair for a week or so, then crutches for a few weeks, then a brace and so on.  Meanwhile, as I said, I'm headed off to Fort Sill, Onate Training Center New Mexico, and possibly to D.C. if everything goes well.  About a week at a time, with the exception of D.C., which I'm hoping will be two or three days.  Anyhow, that gets us into the heart of Summer, with means football, which means…play it on a loop.  Stick a fork in it, yer dun.
Oh, Isabelle and Olivia are doing soccer this year, in addition to dance and all the other stuff girls do.  I haven't put in for any hunts, but I'm thinking I might as well just buy an elk muzzle loader tag and go in November after things slow down.  Work is crazy busy preparing for major mitigations for the fire season.
Oh yeah, we're being courted by Unified Fire Authority, looking at contracting with a cattle association for our Cheat grass issue, we're spraying weeds (contrary to the Environmental Blockade's desires)….we're making progress on all fronts.  The only thing we have to fear…well…is fear itself.
So, I've been interrupted about nineteen times now, so I'll just frigging close this little rant for a while.  Wish me luck, perhaps Stacey and I (kids???) can go up either for the day, or for an over-night tomorrow to the lot and sit in the trailer and freeze a little.  I'm watching the forecast and I'm just not sure it's going to allow for the planting of my two hundred (ish) walnuts.  But, we'll give'r the ol' college try anyhow.  Oh, last thing…I've been really enamored with this, "Draw Something" ap lately. I'll include a couple of my recent works a little later this weekend for shiz and giggles.
Anyhow, I gotta go.
Ya'll come back now ya heah?